Monday, September 7, 2009

Future Fred at Sea: Looking Closer to Home

The tropical wave in the east Atlantic, 96L Invest, continues to organize and may be upgraded to a depression at 5PM EDT. 96L will likely strengthen into a tropical storm and potentially our second hurricane of the season. Model guidance is not backing off on the idea of quick recurvature out to sea ahead of an oncoming trough. "Fred" is not expected to pose any threat to landmasses.

A weak area of low pressure off the Carolina coast is not expected to strengthen. Upper air conditions are not favorable. Of slightly more interest is the potential lowering of surface pressures in the Gulf of Mexico in 5-7 days. No models are showing tropical cyclone formation, but they do suggest that this could be an area to watch down the road. Upper air conditions should become slightly more conducive ahead of an approaching cold front that will approach the upper Texas coast in about 6 days. The favorable pulse of the Madden Julian Oscillation will also be entering the western portion of the Atlantic basin around this timeframe. The models are keying in on the Bay of Campeche and southwest Gulf the most. Any low pressure that forms in this area has a better chance of lifting north rathern than drifting into Mexico.

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    Jason Moreland is a meteorology undergraduate at the University of South Alabama. The blog has no set schedule. New blogs are typically posted time permitting and when the Atlantic tropics and Southeast US weather are active. The information posted here is unofficial and strictly personal opinion. Refer to National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center for official forecasts.